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How about some motivational money quotes to light a fire for better #HappyMoneyManagement this week?Quotes are powerful! They succinctly sum up an idea so it’s memorable. And they inspire you to live your best life. Whether you’re looking to develop a happier relationship with money, spend smarter, earn more, save and invest, or lower your debt, we’ve got some brilliant motivational money quotes for you!
16 Motivational Money Quotes to Better Your Life
The Role of Money
In other words, money’s super awesome when you’re putting it to good use, and super crappy when you let it (or the lack of it!) rule your life.
There’s no need to fear money. Just don’t do anything evil for or with it.
That pretty much says it all, right? We don’t need any Jones’s!
Again, we love this because it’s simple. If you’re living large, you’re going to have to struggle just to maintain. But if you live below your means, you have the comfort and flexibility of taking some calculated risks and pursuing some options that may not make much money, but offer some serious fulfillment.
Looking to spend less? Try 35+ Ways to Save Money This Month.
We’ve all been there! It seems like we should have enough money to cover all our bills plus some to save, but it somehow all disappears before we get that chance to save. Or even to pay all our bills! Tracking our outgoing money helps us spend it more wisely. And it makes us more money-conscious, so we’re more likely to make better choices with our incoming money.
If you’re always struggling to pay all your bills and can’t figure out where your money’s going, Help! I Can’t Pay My Bills! is a must-read. You’ll get a short-term band-aid solution to cover your current month and a long-term solution to pull you out of that crappy cycle.
Well said, James W. Frick! My current spending shows that I value investing, reading, travel, and wine. I’m good with that!
What are your priorities? Do your spending habits match? Does your spending get you closer to your passions and goals, or set you back?
Yes, you have to earn money to survive. But let’s not make our entire lives about the pursuit of money. How boring would that be?!
Ok, money can’t buy happiness, but it can buy a lot of things and experiences that can make you happy. Even if you’re a minimalist, money can buy you happy memories of travel, fulfillment through higher education, or satisfaction from charitable donations. Poverty’s not going to get you any of that.
Side note: to some degree happiness is a choice no matter your finances. Choose happiness!
This goes back to always being broke even though you theoretically make enough money to support yourself. Quite often, it’s not a lack of money that’s the problem. It’s a lack of strategic money management.
And why do we lack strategic money management? Because no one taught us! Schools thought our parents had it covered, parents thought our schools had it covered (cause, bless their hearts, many of them were never taught money management either!). So here’s our generation struggling to figure it out! Our 10 Commandments of Happy Money Management is a great starting point!
Ok, this is about more than money, but I love this one! Opportunities worth the effort are challenging. They just are. That makes the reward so much sweeter. Don’t shy away from an opportunity because it looks not-so-glamorous.
Take investing for example. It might not seem exciting. It might seem like an overwhelming amount of information to learn. And way too much time and effort. That’s why many people ignore it. But you now know that this is a killer opportunity dressed in overalls and looking like work. So go for it! Put in the work and enjoy the rewards. You can start small. How about becoming an investor today with as little as $5?!
Saving and Investing
Yep, we’re quoting Dave a second time. And this quote also goes back to mindfulness. Pay attention to your money! Where it’s going, what it’s doing. Put it to work for you so it doesn’t just leak out on unnecessary crap!
That’s why we build saving and investing into our budgets. If you save and invest only what’s left at the end of your paycheck, you will never save or invest anything. Why not? Because you’ll always find more things to buy! So save and invest first, then spend what’s left.
To do this right, you’ll need a budget. Lucky for you, we have a budget calculator for budget-haters. Check it out!
Wait. Read that again. OMG, right?! Who knew saving had a ton of benefits beyond just growing your money for your future. Doesn’t this make you want to go transfer some money to savings to broaden your mind asap?
That’s right. I’m quoting myself. Because 1) I was pretty darn proud of myself for thinking up a clever little phrase, and 2) this list had an awfully masculine imbalance!
Compound interest is the key to investing. The money you make on your investments is interest. But then compound interest allows you to make money on that interest your money already earned! It’s how I’m turning $5,500/year (so $220,000 total over 40 years) into $1,200,000! Yeah, that’s $1.2 million! If you’re not taking advantage of compound interest, you’re missing out on a giant piece of the money-growing pie.
Managing Debt
So the lesson here is that money isn’t only worth its face value. There is also a time factor to consider.
You know cash in your hand (money you can use now) is worth more to you than money tied up in an investment (where you can’t use it now). That’s why lenders and creditors charge you interest on your debt. You don’t just pay back the amount you borrowed; you pay it back with interest. And that can be disastrous!
For example, if I pay the minimum payment of $52/month on my $5,286.01 credit card balance, I will end up paying back $11,433. That’s $6,146.99 just in interest thanks to a 15% interest rate! And it would take me 23 years to pay off that debt. So much gross!
That’s why we need to get this type of debt gone asap. But don’t panic. There is a way to pay down debt even if you’re struggling to make ends meet.
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