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I’ll do some semi-crazy things to save a buck:
  • I won’t use the heater until my house temp is somewhere in the mid-50’s. Until then, I can layer.
  • I only buy handbags and shoes at TJ Maxx, Marshalls, and Ross. Haven’t bought those items from anywhere else since probably ’03.
  • I tear my makeup wipes in half so I get twice as many for the same price.
  • If I’m not in a rush, I will walk miles to avoid paying €2 for public transit

But we all have our limits, right? Today’s list is about the 17 things I refuse to do to save money.

Super Important Note:

This list is specific to this point in my life. I’m not necessarily saying I wouldn’t ever do them.

I’m really blessed to be in a position where these are choices. I understand that not everyone has a choice when it comes to making ends meet. So please know that I’m not judging anyone who’s doing any of these things to save money. I’m just saying they’re not for me right now.

Cool? Cool.

On to the list!

I'll do a lot to save a buck. But these I the things I refuse to do to save money! #savemoney

17 Things I Refuse to Do to Save Money

1. Coupon

Chalk this one up to laziness. I’m just not going to go out of my way to find coupons and plan my shopping around them. Plus, I feel like they trick you into buying more than you need, and then some of that goes to waste. Wait, yeah, let’s stick with that as the primary reason. I’m not lazy, I swear.

2. Compromise sleep

What’s better than crawling into a bed with freshly laundered sheets? I wash the sheets every few days so I always have that clean-sheet feeling. Even though I know I’m spending more than necessary on detergent, water, and electricity. I do line dry though…that counts for something, right?

3. The Costco “Meal”

Cheese samples at Costco are not a well-rounded meal, people.

4. Cut my own hair

I don’t think I’d be capable of cutting my own hair even if I was willing to.

5. Steal restaurant condiments

Is it stealing? It feels like stealing. But the little mustard packets are there for people to people to use. If you would normally use two packets, but then decide to just use one and save one, maybe it’s ok. Either way, I’m not going to do it because it would just end up breaking open in my purse a week after I forgot it was there.

I'll do a lot to save a buck. But these I the things I refuse to do to save money! #savemoney

6. Live far from work

I moved 8 times in the 12 years I lived in Southern California. Every time I took a different job or my office relocated, I moved. Because I’m not willing to fight the 405 for 3 hours every day of my working life.

7. Get roommates

I don’t play well with others.

8. Live without AC

Ok, weirdly, I’m living without AC right now. Germany doesn’t believe in AC. Even most restaurants and hotels don’t have it. It’s insane. Summer temps get into the 90’s and it’s humid. Which makes me cranky! This experience has taught me that I’m not someone who should live without AC. I’m a worse person without it.

9. Tiny house

I feel like a tiny house would be super fun…for about a week. After that it might feel a little more jail-cell-y.

10. Dumpster dive

I have heard of people who could totally afford to not dumpster dive but do it anyway because they can. They insist restaurants throw out perfectly good food. And ok, maybe that’s true. But if so, shouldn’t we let the people who really need that food have it instead of taking it ourselves when we can afford to buy our own?

11. Cloth feminine products/diapers/wipes/anything bathroom-related

God bless the new parents who use cloth diapers to save money and the environment! I have a ton of respect for those people, but I don’t think I could be one of them. If it’s bathroom-related, I’m a one-use-and-dispose person.

12. Eat expired food

Honestly, I feel like the expiration dates on food are probably more or less arbitrary. It’s not like the salad’s going to magically turn at midnight on the expiration date. But it still makes me nervous. So at this point, I’m not going to buy a bunch of 50% of salads to eat for a few days past expiration.

I'll do a lot to save a buck. But these I the things I refuse to do to save money! #savemoney

13. Make my own soap/detergent/disinfectant

This could be a great way to save money because cleaning products can be pretty expensive. But I’m just not going to ever go to the store with a list of cleaning supply ingredients and make my own at home. I’m just not.

14. Dry clean everything

I once paid €48 to dry clean a comforter. That’s crazy, right? I’m sure it would be fine on the gentle cycle and then air-dried. Save the dry cleaning budget for the few items that truly need it.

15. Mend socks or underwear

Holes in socks or underwear means they’re done. Time to get new.

16. Cut my dog’s nails

I tried trimming Peanut’s nails once. I know to only cut the white part, and I barely trimmed anything. But her nail immediately starting spraying blood. It was terrifying! Never again! I’m leaving that to the pros.

17. Stop traveling

Yeah, I hear how this sounds. But it’s my thing. It’s my thing that I spend on. I scrimp on lots of other things so I have money available to travel. The world is full of amazing places, and I want to experience them.

Cheers! From Savings and Sangria