Today’s post comes from S&S reader, Dani. If you’ve just started thinking about retirement, you’re going to want to check out these tips for growing…

6 More Ways to Improve Bad Credit
Today’s post comes courtesy of Di, another Savings and Sangria reader! Do you have a topic or a post you’d like to share? Contact Us!…

Are You Being Penny Wise and Pound Foolish?
Have you heard the old English proverb, “penny wise and pound foolish”? It means you’re so careful to watch your pennies that you don’t see…

What Happens When You Don’t Have Insurance?
Today’s post has been contributed by a Savings and Sangria reader, Toni. Check out her notes on what happens when you don’t have insurance. Do…

What to Do When You’re too Afraid to Invest
Did you know that only 33% of millennials are investing in the stock market? Or that only 34% of millennials are investing in real estate?…