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We all go through financial worries within our lives. However, it can be especially taxing if you have a disability. Living with a disability can make working difficult, and while some people manage to earn an income, many others need extra living and financial support. This has become even more apparent with the arrival of a global pandemic.According to the U.S. Department of Labor statistics, in 2020, 17.9% of people with disabilities are employed. It also states that this was down 19.3% from the previous year. The report further says that this change reflects the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Due to this, some people have been searching for much-needed financial support during this challenging time. Fortunately, there are a number of alternative options that could offer support to those who need it. Here are 3:
Help From Friends and Family
You can find a great source of support among family and friends. The pandemic has left many people not only in a financial hole but in an emotional one as well, so reaching out to family members can give you that extra boost to help you during this time. They can even help you to research any loans or assistance that you may be entitled to receive. For instance, if you’re looking at getting social security assistance, they could help you look for a social security disability attorney who could help you get the support you need.
Social Security Disability Assistance
If you search online, you will discover an income-based program created to support people with disabilities. According to the SSA website, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is paid to you or a family member if you have worked over a certain period of time and paid social security taxes. In addition, there is an added program called Supplemental Security Income (SSI), which offers benefits to adults with disabilities who have limited income and resources.
The average payment is between $800 to $1800 per month, with the maximum being $3,011 a month, depending on your circumstances. If you’re interested in learning more about these programs, you can visit the Social Security Administration (SSA) website to discover more about the benefits.
Disability Loans and Grants
There are a variety of loans that are available for people who are struggling with their day-to-day living. These financial aids were put in place to help citizens until they can get back on their feet. Private institutions offer most grants and loans. You can find an example of these through sites like GrantWatch, which allows citizens to find a grant or loan that suits them. You can also discover government loans through the website.
As stated before, financial support is just a click away, and it is imperative that you begin your search right away. You can start with the three listed above. However, if you aren’t sure or need more information, it also helps to speak with someone, such as an SSA advisor or a social security lawyer, who could give some helpful advice.
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