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2020 has made everyone question their careers. Let’s face it, nobody saw the COVID-19 pandemic coming, and when it hit us, some jobs and industries were very badly affected. If your job was affected badly by the coronavirus outbreak, you might be looking for a change of scene. Even if you still have a job as 2020 comes to a close, you could be reconsidering your choices as you look to the future.Unfortunately, most of our lives revolve around money. Unless you’re an ultra-rich multi-millionaire with cash to throw and no financial obstacles, your life is determined by the amount of money in your bank account. With surging unemployment around the world due to the coronavirus pandemic, money is on everybody’s minds. It’s time to start thinking strategically when it comes to cash flow.
Here are three jobs you didn’t know would make you a pretty penny.
1. Truck Driving
When you picture a truck driver, you might picture a grubby old dude with a cap and a cigarette hanging out of the side of his mouth. Think again. Truck driving is becoming a lucrative job that allows you to see more of the world, get out of an office, and sing along to your favorite tunes all day. Yes, there are downsides – the hours are long, and it can be lonely – but the money is good. Plus, with delivery becoming the more popular mode of shopping as our online presence grows, truck drivers are always going to be needed.
How much can you make as a truck driver? Well, just ask the drivers at Tri-State Transportation. Two Tri-State Transportation truck drivers made $100,000 last year alone. Plus, truck driving requires no college degree or expensive qualifications. Get into it!
2. Waiting Tables
Waiters are underpaid. It is no secret that most waiters make minimum wage. So why is waiting tables on this list? It is all in the tips, my friend.
Being highly paid in this job requires living in the right place. If you live in a major city like New York, London, Austin, or Los Angeles, you could be very highly paid in this job. If you become a good enough waiter, you can work your way up the chain. It takes a little graft, but soon enough, you could be waiting tables at a high-end restaurant with menu prices that will take your breath away. One waitress told a journalist at Workopolis about her $100,000 job in a high-end restaurant and bar, most of which was made through tips. It takes a special kind of work ethic, but it can be done!
3. Garbage Collection
According to CNN, garbage workers in New York can make up to $100,000. Without any education necessary, steady hours, and working outdoors away from a desk, this job is ideal for many people. The job isn’t glamorous, but it pays well, keeps you fit, and will never force you to take work home!
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