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So the short answer to this is yes! It doesn’t matter if you’re just doing a freelancing sort of business or you’re running a business with staff. Clients and customers like to feel assured, and the best way for them to feel assured is through the type of accreditations businesses have.Free samples or trials aren’t exactly enough, especially when it comes to long-term relationships; sometimes, having special verifications such as certifications or being recognized by a major organization can really be the only way to go. But, of course, this might vary per niche and even per industry.
It Helps Demonstrate Commitment to Quality
Accreditation (at least from legitimate ones) can demonstrate your small business’s commitment to delivering high-quality products or services. There are different ways to go about this, such as obtaining certifications, adhering to industry standards, or undergoing independent audits. But in general, this helps you validate your business operations. It’s basically a way to benchmark excellence.
Quickest Way to Build Up Trust
You run a business, so you already know how it is. You’re not going to throw your money at something if you have no trust in it, right? So, it’s not hard to see that trust is the cornerstone of customer relationships, and verification plays a vital role in building and maintaining trust with your target audience. When it comes to businesses, there are so many ways to go about it. The same goes for industries. For example, if investment management firms want to gain both trust and credibility so they can attract and retain clients, they usually try to get the GIPS standards verification immediately—since this is globally recognized.
So, while you can’t just outright say, “You can trust me,” you can prove that you and your business as a whole can be trusted, and accreditation and verification (like the one just mentioned, for example) is the best way to go about it. Clients and customers can just look at your profile and website, and they’ll be able to see your accreditations. They’ll be able to see right there what you’re complying with and if you’re actually as credible as your business may claim it to be.
Perfect for Gaining New Opportunities
At the end of the day, it’s always better to have more doors opened up for your business, right? Who doesn’t love the idea of getting opportunities like partnerships, collaborations, and contracts with larger corporations? Honestly, that would be a dream, right? So just by proactively obtaining relevant certifications or verifications, your small business can expand its reach, access new markets, and attract lucrative opportunities that may otherwise be out of reach. So you definitely owe this to yourself!
There’s the Competitive Advantage!
The whole point is to stay ahead of the competition, and what are the odds that other small business owners will look into getting accreditations, too? Think of it this way: It costs money, it’s time-consuming, resources are being used, and it’s just a lot of effort. While yes, some businesses are happy to do it, not all, and because not many will, that’s an immediate advantage for you.
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