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Today’s post comes from a fellow S&S reader. For all the students out there, Jamie has some brilliant tips for cutting the costs of student life!Do you have a topic or a post you’d like to share? Contact Us!
Cut The Costs Of Student Life
Living as a student is not easy, and it certainly isn’t cheap. Unfortunately, once you leave high school and go away to college, your days living rent free and snacking out of your parent’s fridge are over… well, probably 😉
Student living is an expensive time in your life, and don’t let anyone tell you that you have it easy.
Here are some essential tips to help you save your money as a student and cut your living costs.
Plan for the future
If you are smart about finances during your student years, you can come out of college, refinance your loan with and start a clean slate with some stability in your life.
Now is the time to put down the beer and save the money you would have spent out for the future. This isn’t to say you can’t have a life at all, it is just a case of moderation.
If you go out one weekend, stay in the next. Small changes like this can make a massive difference to your future finances.
Get a travelcard
If you don’t live within walking distance of your lecture halls, it can be expensive to travel to and from your course each day.
Luckily, rail and bus companies offer students a yearly pass at a deep discount. They will save you a huge amount of money in the long run! Cars are overrated.
Buy second hand
Don’t let your university or college trick you into buying your books from the store inside the campus!
Always look for the books you need on eBay and similar websites because you’ll be able to find what you need for a much lower price.
So what if someone has highlighted key phrases in your book? If anything, it will help you remember what you need to revise!
Learn to cook
As a student, it is tempting to buy a takeaway every night or go to a restaurant with your friends, but this cost can become far too much after a few months of bad habits.
If you don’t already know how to cook for yourself, invite your mom over and ask her to teach you basic skills like boiling an egg and making pasta or rice. This will allow you to cook simple meals for yourself (and maybe a date?!) in no time.
Failing that, there are thousands of entertaining videos on YouTube which can teach you!
Stay home
If you want to truly save yourself some dough during your studies, you need to cut down on the night trips.
It is tempting to go out until 3 am every weekend, but it is incredibly expensive and can cost you dearly in the future.
Instead, why not stay in with your friends, buy some beer and order a couple of pizzas? It will be a cheaper night for everyone, you don’t have to dress up, and you can avoid awkward taxi rides at the end of the night!
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