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Are you adventurous enough to travel abroad, but cautious enough to be prepared for the potential risks? Then this post is for you. Huge thanks to S&S reader, Peter, for contributing this helpful post!Dealing with Accidents While Travelling Abroad
Travelling is thrilling. Exploring other cultures and discovering other countries that are different to your own is a truly exhilarating way to while away the time. But what if things don’t go to plan?
Accidents can happen anywhere, but when you’re away from home things can become complicated. Here are some top tips to make sure you’re covered before you set off on your big adventure.
Holiday Type
What type of activities do you have planned while you’re away? If you’re lounging on a beach, there is less risk involved than if you’re going to be diving out of a plane.
To prepare, look into the things that could happen. You’re probably well aware, for example, that the mountain climb you want to do is dangerous because of the risk of falling, or the bungee jump could be risky because of the equipment. While accounting for all eventualities isn’t always possible, knowing the risks involved with the activities you have planned – and what you can do in the event of an accident – can go a long way to keeping you safe.
Do Your Research
Once you know what you’ve decided on your activities, do some research. This includes checking that the companies running the mountain expedition or extreme sports activities have the right credentials and qualifications.
Also, while getting proper travel insurance is crucial, knowing what it covers is important. Not all activities will be insured against, often resulting in complications and unexpected financial costs in the event of an accident. If your policy doesn’t cover you for extreme activities, you may have to save the rafting trip along the rapids for another time!
Where You Stay
Your accommodation can be a hazard, too. Plenty of people get injured in their hotel room or resort complex due to faulty electrics and dodgy sprinkler systems. Plus, when there’s a balcony or a pool, the potential for accidents is ramped up.
Carefully check the electricity in your room and have a torch on standby should the lights go out. Also, make a point of knowing where the fire exits are. Additionally, if there’s a pool on-site, only swim to your capability and try to avoid taking a dip when there’s no one else around.
Making a Claim
If something does happen, you’ll need to make a claim. Contact your insurer as soon as possible to see what they’re prepared to pay for. Sometimes you’ll have to pay upfront and claim when you get back, while in other instances your insurer will cover it while you’re out there. In both instances, get receipts for everything to help get your money back.
While there’s a lot to think about, especially if you’ve got some action-packed activities in store, it’ll be worth it to keep you safe while you’re having the time of your life. Follow these tips and enjoy your travels!
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