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Big thanks to S&S reader, Alli, for contributing this post! Check out her tips for making sure your money doesn’t fall short.Do you have a post or topic to contribute? Contact Us! We love hearing from you.
Don’t Let Your Money Fall Short
Do you feel like you’re constantly losing the money battle?
Money is something that we think about pretty much all of the time, without even realizing. You might be thinking about the food you want to eat, the gas you need to go anywhere, and the things you’d like to do. And all of these things require money.
You might think you have a handle on how much money you can spend, but most of us over-estimate our income and under-estimate our expenses.
Not only that, but then there are also the little things that come along and bite us on the bum when we least expect it. That’s when you really feel the pinch of your money falling short!
But you don’t have to live in this constant cycle where you feel like you have money, and then (all of a sudden) you don’t.
So what can you do about it…
Change Your Planning Methods
If you don’t have any planning methods, we have a starting point for you.
You just need to know how much you earn and how much you can spend. And if you’re new to planning your income and expenses, start with planning by week, not by month.
We say this because we feel like plans crop up or change all of the time, and if you have a monthly planner, you might ignore these little additions. But if you’re planning weekly, it’s easier to keep up-to-date with what’s going on with your money!
And be honest. Don’t leave out little things like the lunches you buy at work, or your weekend takeout. As long as you are totally honest with yourself, you’ll know exactly where your money’s going.
What To Do When The Unexpected Happens
This is where people panic.
Instead of being blindsided by the unexpected, learn to expect it! Even if you don’t know what the unexpected might be, you can be sure it’s coming.
For a lot of people, it will happen when you’re doing everyday things, such as driving to work or errands. It’s so easy to have a bump when there are so many people on the road! If the accident wasn’t your fault, you can check websites like to see if you can get the help you need. And if it was your fault, well, that’s where your emergency fund can save your bum.
Never Fall Short Again
To never fall short again, we really think you have to follow the NO rule. We’ve put it in capitals because you literally have to shout it to yourself for it to work. If you don’t have the money to buy something, say NO! If you don’t have the money to go somewhere, say NO! Saying NO now will let you save your money so you’ll never fall short on your necessities or the things that mean the most to you.
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