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We live in a time where we constantly feel the need to do something. If you run your own business as a freelancer, you will know how difficult it is to just switch off. When the laptop is just there, emails come in at all times of night and your to-do list is miles long, it’s all too easy to keep working late into the night. You might force yourself to get up early and start all over again, or you might get up slightly later and end up working long hours again.Whichever way round it is, you are on the track to burning yourself out and this is no good for anyone. As the quote says, you can’t pour from an empty cup, so there is no use working all hours of the clock if you are making yourself ill or if your work isn’t as good as it would be if you were looking after yourself. A work-life balance is so important – even more so in this past year than ever – and you need to make time for yourself. Yes, sometimes it is okay to have a late-night and just power through your emails or tasks, but it is when you make a habit of it that it becomes a problem.
Here are some ways to have a work-life balance.
Make time for the things you love
No one can function just by doing work. It can lead to a host of mental health issues and burnout. Instead, make time for things you love or want to do. This could be baking, spending time with friends, or learning to drive. (Making a cake or even looking up new driver car insurance is much more fun than slogging over a stressful piece of work in an evening!) Why not have a nice bubble bath with candles and read a good book? Or watch that film you have been wanting to watch for a while? It is so important for your mental health that you make time for yourself and that you are happy. If you are feeling stressed or anxious, phone up your family or friends and talk to them.
Set yourself a finishing time each night
Tell yourself you will work until 6 pm (for example) each evening and make sure that you stop at this time. If you do the odd ten minutes over because you are finishing a task that is fine, just don’t let this extend into hours and find you are still slaving away as the clock turns to 10 pm. By having time to aim for you can prioritize your tasks accordingly and give yourself a much-needed rest in the evening. It is also a good idea to set yourself a lunch break – when you work from home and for yourself, you can all too easily work from your desk. Instead, take yourself out, go for a walk, or eat your lunch in a local park. Remove yourself from your screen and you will find that you return from your break feeling happy, refreshed, and better equipped to tackle the afternoon ahead of you.
Set realistic expectations with clients
Remember that it is always better to under-promise and over-deliver than it is to over promise and under deliver. If you don’t have time for a project then let your client know. They will either be understanding and give you an extension or will be grateful you were honest and find someone else to do that one task.
Be organized
If you are disorganized it can be a nightmare trying to have a work-life balance. This is because you never know what tasks you are meant to be doing when and how you can get everything done. Organize yourself and set yourself the most important tasks that need to be done each day. Get these out of the way first thing in the morning so you know you have the rest of the day to get the smaller tasks done and can have a more realistic idea of the time that you can finish up. Write lists, stick up sticky notes or make notes in your calendar – find a way that works for you.
These are a few simple ways that you can soon ensure you have a better work-life balance. Remember, we work to live and don’t live to work. Don’t feel guilty for spending time relaxing in the evenings. You need to take care of yourself to put the best effort into your work, so really, the pair go hand in hand.
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