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Today’s post has been contributed by a Savings and Sangria reader. Check out Jane’s tips on how to save for a car.Do you have a topic or a post you’d like to share? Contact Us!
How To Save for a Car
While building up your savings sounds so simple in principle, in reality, it often proves to be a lot trickier. And when you are trying to make a big purchase, like a new car, it can feel like a real uphill battle.
While we can’t control your spending habits, we can give you a few pieces of advice which will help you in your quest to save up for a car.
So, without further ado, let’s get started!
Calculate Your Desired Payment
Unless you have all the money to put down on a car (and since you are reading this article, we can safely assume that you don’t!), you need to calculate your desired monthly repayments.
There are plenty of tools online which can help you out in your quest such as a car loan calculator.
Don’t forget to build in a bit of ‘wiggle room’ for other costs including maintenance, insurance, tax, gas, and any other associated costs.
Work Out How Much to Put Down
Once you know how much you can afford to pay every month, you can now easily work out how much you should put down on the car.
Of course, you will need to determine what sort of vehicle you would like depending on your personal preferences and requirements. As well as your what you can afford and what your credit score allows you to borrow.
Once you have a figure worked out, you have a clear goal to aim for, which will help to give your savings efforts a sense of direction.
Decide When You Need the Car
Now that you have the target that you are aiming for, you need to determine when you want or need the car.
Obviously, the sooner you want to get the car, the faster you are going to have to save up for it. There is no point being unrealistic or impatient here. But if you find that you really need a new set of wheels soon, your only option is to go for a more affordable vehicle.
Make Saving a Priority
One of the best ways to hit your savings goal is to automate your finances so that you are putting a certain amount away every single month.
Keep your funds in a separate account where it will be earning some interest and your money will be working for you while you are building it up. Make a household budget and you will be in a much better position to work out exactly how much you can save every month.
Don’t Punish Yourself
If you find that you are in a constant battle with yourself to pinch the pennies, this can put some serious strain on yourself and your relationships. In fact, treating yourself from time to time can help to keep you on course with regards to your savings. So leave yourself room to enjoy life even while you’re saving.
So, there you have five steps to follow when you are trying to buy a new car for yourself. Hopefully, this article has helped to make things that little bit easier!
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