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The future is always going to be uncertain (unless you’ve patented the world’s most accurate crystal ball). However, this does not mean that stability is out of the question, even as a new parent.

In fact, there are plenty of steps that you can take now to set yourself up for a more stable future – no matter the challenges you are currently facing. Read on to find out more!

Take control of your finances.

One of the easiest ways to build a more stable future is to finally tackle your financial anxiety and get your accounts in order. Whether you’re terrible at saving or have caught yourself in debt, there are plenty of steps that you can take to achieve that goal.

For example, you could start by setting yourself a monthly budget, as opposed to spending freely without any sign of restraint. After all, this can be dangerous even if you tend to be relatively frugal. If you’re entirely new to budgeting, start with the 50:20:30 rule. This means that: 

  • 50% of your income goes to necessary expenses, such as rent, utility bills, insurance, etc. 
  • 20% of your income goes into your savings accounts. 
  • 30% of your income goes into things you want but do not need. This includes meals out, hobbies, and other similar expenses.

This is a relatively simple formula – but one that has been proven to work time and time again. This is because it makes it far easier to divide your post-tax income into different categories, and you’d be surprised at just how quickly you can grow your savings account.

If this is something that you continue to struggle with, you may want to consider using a budgeting app. This is linked to your online banking and will automatically send you a warning when you’re close to going over your budget. Many of the apps allow you to set up spending limits for specific expenses, such as dining out or takeout coffees!

Get your paperwork in order.

An emergency or accident can happen at any time. While this may not be nice to think about, it’s not something that you should sweep under the rug, either. For example, if something were to happen to you and you were incapacitated, what would happen to your home?

While the answer may seem obvious to you unless you have the appropriate documents in place (such as real estate deeds), your wishes may not be respected. It could also make it difficult for your partner, children, or grandchildren to take ownership of your property, even if this is something you’d like to happen.

As such, getting your paperwork in order now provides your entire family with greater stability in the future. It also gives you greater peace of mind, knowing that you will not be burdening your loved ones with additional stress or worry during an emotionally turbulent time. 

Take a risk in your career. 

Taking a risk in your career may not seem like a way to set yourself up for a more stable future – especially if it means leaving a position you are relatively comfortable within. However, in some cases, this can open many doors, which, in turn, increases your earning potential quite considerably. For example, you’re much more likely to make a considerable amount of money as a CEO of a business than you are as just another cog in the wheel. 

Furthermore, there are plenty of ways in which you can work to minimize the risks of changing careers or starting your own business. For example, you could enrol in courses that allow you to move forward in your career by developing new (and often necessary) skills. Alternatively, you could seek out business funding that minimizes any investment you’ll need to make from your own savings account while also ensuring you’ll have access to the money you’ll need to set your business up for success. 

However, before you’re even able to consider this, you need to learn how to silence the voice in your head that always discourages you from taking action. Otherwise, you’ll be so racked with anxiety and nerves that you will never be able to reach your full potential, and you’ll always be left wondering: what if? Sometimes, this could be something that you benefit from discussing with a therapist, as it makes it easier to knock down those mental barriers that stand in your way.

Take good care of yourself. 

Taking good care of yourself now is one of the easiest ways to set yourself up for a more stable future. After all, if you do not take good care of your wellness, you’ll be forced to take care of your illness – which could stand in the way of your career and happiness.

As such, moving forward, you should be sure to take as much care of yourself as possible. For example, you should ensure that you get plenty of rest, even during times when you are overly busy. One way in which you can achieve this goal is by curating a skin care or beauty routine that leaves you feeling refreshed and relaxed.

As a general rule, you should also ensure that you follow a healthy, balanced diet, get plenty of exercise, or seek out medical advice and support when you need it. 

If you find that you are struggling with your mental health, you should be sure to reach out to those around you. While it can be hard to be vulnerable in this way, it’s crucial that you do not become the kind of person who buries their emotions as opposed to addressing them. This is because it is the kind of habit that can be near-impossible to break. Conversely, speaking openly and honestly about how you are feeling will allow you to develop a wide range of healthy coping mechanisms that can be utilised during tough times and realise that you are never truly alone!

Remember that you can’t control everything. 

In an ideal world, we’d have control over each and every single thing that happens to us. After all, this would make it easier than ever to take risks or achieve their dreams. However, this would be a fantasy – and it’s important to remember that you cannot control the outcome of every situation.

Keeping this in mind is important, whether you’re trying to better your finances or take the next step in your career. In some cases, things not working out the way we intended can be a blessing, even if it does not seem that way at first. For example, getting rejected from a job you know you’d be great at can be incredibly frustrating, but it could mean that you can apply for an even better job the following week! 

Final thoughts. 

Whether you’re thinking about the next few months or the next five years, there are plenty of steps that you can take to set yourself up for a more stable future. For example, this could include working to take control of your finances and rid yourself of debt, pushing yourself to new heights within your career (or even changing careers entirely), or simply working to take better care of yourself. 

Furthermore, it is important to remember that the list above is by no means exhaustive. There are plenty of other ways in which you can go about building a brighter future for yourself and those around you – such as working with a career or life coach who can provide you with more specific, tailored advice that helps you reach your long and short-term goals.