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Time to expand our definition of investing. Check out Karrie’s post for ways to make a difference in the world by investing in your community.Do you have a post or topic to contribute? Contact Us! We love hearing from you.
Investing to Make a Difference in the World
Investing doesn’t have to just be about making more money; it can be about doing some good in the world as well.
As we all know, simple acts of kindness can go along way. And a little money can make a big difference to people in need. Instead of only investing in your future income, consider investing in your community as well. Here are some ideas
Fund research
Nothing great is done without research. This study on the impact on marginalized communities provides valuable insight into how we treat groups of people and how we can improve. And then there’s all the research going into medical problems that are saving the lives of future generations. These causes need funding. And investing in these causes is a way to improve the lives of people in your community and throughout the entire world.
Help the less fortunate
Unfortunately wherever you go there will be groups of people who are struggling. Perhaps they’re ill, unemployed, or homeless. Giving your time and energy, as well as financial donations, to charitable organizations helping the homeless or other groups in need can turn a person’s life around completely.
No matter what industry you’re in, there will be a group of up-and-comers following you into the field. Why not invest in those people to help them learn the ropes and make sure your profession remains in good hands even when you leave? Your mentee might just need some some advice, some basic business support, or some guidance as they launch their own business. Investing in someone else’s success is gratifying and well worth the time and effort.
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