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Seems like more and more S&S readers are swapping the corporate ladder for the freedom that comes with owning your own business. Today’s post, courtesy of fellow S&S reader, Autumn, will help those of you with your own business get your business in ship-shape!Is Your Business Run Like A Tight Ship?
If you really want to make as much money from your business as you can, you need to think about how you are running it.
This can be difficult to get right, but in general, the tighter you run it, the more likely you’ll get the results you want out of it.
In this post, we are going to look at some of the things that you should consider to run your business like a tight ship. As long as you pay attention to these things, you’ll be able to make much more of it on the whole, so you can earn more from it.
Strong HR
If you want to run your business well, you need to make sure that you have really strong Human Resources. This is how you get, and keep, good people in your company.
This can be notoriously hard to get right, however. You might need some help in this area. Luckily, help is always easy to find, with many HR outsourcing services available to you.
Alternatively, if you are starting to think you might also need some in-house HR, it might be time to start building that part of the company by hiring an HR Representative.
Invest in your HR to draw good employees to your company, make them happy, help them be productive, and your business will benefit!
Tight Budgeting
Keeping an eye on the finances is always going to be one of the truly important aspects of running a business. And you can do this from the very start as well.
Create your business budget, listing necessary expenses, and projected income. Then do your best to stick to that budget. Spend what you need to (especially on things like advertising, which can bring you more business), and strive to meet your income goals.
With a tight budget, you should find that it is relatively simple and straightforward to look after your finances. With a strong focus on your budget, you should be able to keep the finances of your business intact much more effectively.
The Law
You also need to make sure that you are focusing well on the law. Legal trouble can make a huge impact on your company as a whole.
Most of us do our best to follow the law, but sometimes the law isn’t clear. Or the laws are so obscure that you don’t even realize you’re at risk for breaking any laws. Invest in having an attorney review your company policies in general, plus any specific areas of concern.
With strong HR, Finance, and Legal, your business is on it’s way to running like a tight ship!
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