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After rent, transportation, and debt payments, groceries may be one of your biggest household expenses. Using the debt to success system and being more conscious about these big expense categories can have a huge impact on your cash flow.Supermarkets are a business, so their job is to encourage you to spend money.
You’ll see discounts that entice you to spend money on products you don’t need, and you’ll notice treats near the register designed to encourage impulse purchases. You’ll also see higher-priced items at eye-level, where hurried shoppers are most likely to see them and grab them.
Besides that, supermarkets place basics (think bread or toilet paper) in a place that forces you to walk through the store. Because they want you so see everything else they have to offer along the way.
Knowing this, let’s look at a few surefire ways to reduce your grocery bill.
Ways to Save on Groceries
Here are our top ways to save on groceries.
Go Generic
For every brand name product, there will be a generic version. Next time you go shopping, take a look at the generic options. The quality is often the same, but the price is more friendly.
But before you go generic, take a moment to do some quick math if brand name products are on sale. The sale price of the brand name product might actually be cheaper than the generic version.
Eat First
If you go shopping when you are hungry, you will start thinking about 101 delicious meals you can enjoy later. And nine times out of ten, you’ll be tempted to add those ingredients to your cart.
Eat before shopping to avoid quick and expensive grabs.
Skip the Basket or Cart When Popping In
If you often nip to the store after work to get an essential like milk or bread, don’t bother grabbing a basket or cart at the front of the store.
Instead, just get that one item. This way, you won’t be tempted to grab extras along the way.
Plan Your Meals
It cannot be stressed enough how important it is to meal plan. Meal planning isn’t only great for your pocket, but it is great for the environment too.
When you purchase only what you need, you’ll naturally waste less food. And there are several great meal planners online to help you get started.
Try Couponing
There is a wide range of supermarket coupons available on everything from margarine to toilet bleach. Pick up newspapers and magazines and check online for coupons that can save you money.
Time Your Trips
And finally, if you head to the supermarket in the evenings, you can often enjoy those reduction stickers. Many supermarkets discount products toward the end of the day. Try asking staff members to find out when the discounts start. Typically this will be sometime after 8:00 pm or an hour before the store closes.
Groceries can be one of the biggest expenses people face every week, so it pays to see how many ways the total can be reduced. Good money management can change your financial outlook pretty quickly.
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