Have you ever paid your rent late? In the moment, it might not seem like a big deal. Maybe you have to pay a late…
How to Stop Being Broke at the End of the Month
Today’s post comes from fellow S&S reader, Evie. Want to make it through the month without going broke? Here are some tips to make that…
Cheap and Easy Decorations for Halloween on a Budget
I don’t know about you, but I’m not really in a position to spend a ton on decorating for Halloween this year. I’m also not…
100 Insanely Powerful Money Hacks to Change Your Life
It’s a big day at Savings and Sangria, y’all. We’ve hit our 100th blog post! To celebrate the big 1-0-0, we have an epic post…
How to Build a Dream Fund that will Change Your Life
Today is Dream Fund Day at Savings and Sangria! What’s a dream fund? A dream fund is the money you set aside specifically to make…