Wanna hear a secret? I’ve decided NOT to be debt-free. Like, I’m consciously choosing to live in debt indefinitely. And you can do the same….

How to Save for a Down Payment on a House
Buying a house is a huge adult move, and a really smart one! Since buying my first house in 2012, my net worth has quadrupled,…

10 Ways to Save Big with Amazon Prime
Amazon Prime isn’t cheap. Seriously, $99/year for Prime? Is it really worth it? Short answer: absolutely, totally yes. Long answer: absolutely, totally yes, but you…

How to Pay Down Debt When You Can’t Even Pay All Your Bills
You’ve got some debt you’d like to knock out, right? We all do! The miserable truth is: to pay down debt, it’s not enough to…

The 5 Biggest Mistakes New Investors Make
When you’re new at something you’re going to make mistakes. No worries. That’s how you learn! Of course, it’s pretty awesome if you can take…