If you want to maintain a healthy financial life, you must pay down debt and set aside money for emergencies. You may be wondering which…

Best of 2019: Your Favorite Savings and Sangria Posts from the Past Year
With the new year just days away, we’re taking a look back over the past year at Savings and Sangria. According to your likes, shares,…

Hacks for Taking Charge of Your Personal Finances
Today’s post comes from fellow S&S reader, Stephanie. If you’ve been dragging your feet, it’s time to take charge of your personal finances! Hacks for…

The 10 Commandments of Happy Money Management
The 10 Commandments of Happy Money Management were originally published in September of 2017. This is the new and improved version! The 10 Commandments of…

Making Extra Money To Pay The Bills
Thanks to fellow S&S reader, Hannah, for these tips on making some extra money to cover the bills! Do you have a post or topic…