Today is Dream Fund Day at Savings and Sangria! What’s a dream fund? A dream fund is the money you set aside specifically to make…
Your Quick Start Guide to Emergency Savings Accounts
We’ve gotten a few questions recently about emergency savings accounts. What are they? How are they different from other savings? Where should I keep my…
Common, but Often-Forgotten, Costs of Moving into a New Home
Today we’re happy to be sharing another collaborative post, written by an S&S reader! Thanks to Toni for reminding us of some of the easily-forgotten…
The Best Time to Buy Everything
Get ready to shop and save all year with our Best Time to Buy Everything Guide! You’ll see a pattern here. Usually, the best time…
6 Ways to Patch Up Your Medical Bills
Thanks to our Savings and Sangria readers for writing such helpful collaborative posts. Today Ellie’s going to show you how to patch up your medical…