Buying a house is a huge adult move, and a really smart one! Since buying my first house in 2012, my net worth has quadrupled,…

Side Hustle Your Way to an Extra $500 Every Month
We’ve gotten great feedback on our 20+ Weird Ways to Make Money in Your Spare Time and our 25 Ways to Make $100 This Weekend….

35+ Ways to Save Money This Month
Want to save money this month? Need to save money this month? We’ve got you covered, friend! Saving money really falls into two categories: decreasing…

10 Ways to Save Big with Amazon Prime
Amazon Prime isn’t cheap. Seriously, $99/year for Prime? Is it really worth it? Short answer: absolutely, totally yes. Long answer: absolutely, totally yes, but you…

The Biggest Mistake Smart People Make with Their Money
When we brought you The Big List of Saving and Investment Accounts last week, we promised a follow-up on the mutual fund vs. index fund…