We’ve been getting lots of questions lately about different saving and investment accounts. There are just so many to choose from! We love that there…

The 5 Biggest Mistakes New Investors Make
When you’re new at something you’re going to make mistakes. No worries. That’s how you learn! Of course, it’s pretty awesome if you can take…

Do You Need a Financial Check-Up?
When was your last financial check-up? Most people give one of two answers: I’m always checking on my finances. This answer usually comes from people…

How to Combine Finances after “I Do”
Figuring out how to combine finances in your new marriage is a tricky business. People are sensitive about money, and finance has been the cause…

4 Ways to Use Smart Debt to Improve Your Life
You probably have first-hand experience with debt. By the time we hit 21, most of us have student loans, an auto loan, and maybe some…