So I was watching Disney’s Up (for maybe the millionth time). And I died a little bit inside every time Carl and Ellie had to…

How to Build a Dream Fund that will Change Your Life
Today is Dream Fund Day at Savings and Sangria! What’s a dream fund? A dream fund is the money you set aside specifically to make…

How to Start a Side Hustle in Under 2 Weeks
Side hustles are all the rage right now. And why wouldn’t they be?! In our current crowd-sourced economy, it’s easier than ever to earn a…

4 Financial Habits For A Healthy Bank Balance!
Today’s post comes from Liz, a fellow S&S reader. Want to build some money habits to build your wealth? Liz’s tips will help you do…

Are You Really Bringing As Much Money As You Could Be?
Today’s post comes from Ashley, a fellow S&S reader. Think you’re already making enough money? Ha! Us either. Here are a few ways to make…