2017 was a great inaugural year for Savings and Sangria! Thanks to everyone who joined our growing community this year! We’re slowing reaching more and…

Are you falling for these 10 personal finance lies?
Personal finance lies are plaguing millennial society. They make us believe personal finance is too complicated and too difficult to comprehend. They hold us back…

Top 10 Passive Income Ideas for Girls on the Go
Super awesome topic for this week’s happy hour: we’re talking about passive income ideas! We’ve gotten some good feedback on our recent Increasing Income posts:…

35+ Ways to Save Money This Month
Want to save money this month? Need to save money this month? We’ve got you covered, friend! Saving money really falls into two categories: decreasing…

The Biggest Mistake Smart People Make with Their Money
When we brought you The Big List of Saving and Investment Accounts last week, we promised a follow-up on the mutual fund vs. index fund…