Paying student loans off is a standard life obstacle for most Americans at this point. Whether you have $5,000 in student loan debt or $250,000,…
How to be Debt-Free 13 Years Sooner and Save $38,600 in the Process
The average credit-using American household is buried in debt, like 20-years-away-from-getting-debt-free buried! Consider these averages for US households carrying the following types of debt according…
Paying Off Students Loans: On Your Own and With Help
We’re thrilled to present a guest post from Lexi C today! This post is full of tips for paying off your student loans. Whether you’re…
100 Insanely Powerful Money Hacks to Change Your Life
It’s a big day at Savings and Sangria, y’all. We’ve hit our 100th blog post! To celebrate the big 1-0-0, we have an epic post…
I’m $800K in Debt…But It’s Fine…
When should you be worried about debt? Want to hear a confession…? I’m currently over $800,000 in debt. Yep, that’s the right amount of 0’s….