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Today’s post comes courtesy of S&S reader, Stacy. If you’re looking for financial security, you’re gonna wanna check out these tips!Do you have a post or topic to contribute? Contact Us! We love hearing from you.
Want Financial Security? Here’s How to Get it
When we were young, growing up seemed simple: find a job, buy a house, and live your ultimate dream life. Unfortunately, it’s not really that simple. Anyone who has lived for about two decades can testify to how difficult it is to achieve financial freedom.
Sure, you may be making a bit more money after some time. But then your expenses also tend to increase.
Financial security is definitely difficult, but at the end of the day, it’s totally achievable as long as you have a plan in mind. Here is a handful of the best tips out there to help you out so that you can reach your goals a bit faster.
First: Find the best insurance
To safeguard yourself beyond emergency funds, you need comprehensive insurance. You can even get an insurance policy that covers job loss if that’s a concern for you. Then you won’t even have to spend anything of that emergency fund if you lose your job. You can save those emergency funds for other emergencies.
There may be a more comprehensive insurance option than the one you currently have. And, by the way, even a few insurance policies you didn’t even know you might need. For example, to safeguard yourself against injury, you could hire these skilled personal injury attorneys.
Next: Give your savings a boost
Saving is ok. Investing your savings is way better.
Investing is how you make your money work for you. Instead of just sitting in a savings account earning 1% interest, you can put your money into investments, averaging more like 9% interest!
Think about some ways you could invest your money in order to make it grow faster. A passive index fund, for example, comes without the high risk of an active fund – and it’s even a bit more cost effective to keep.
Work out a better budget
Finally, you should keep in mind that your budget needs to change according to how your finances change. That doesn’t mean that you should up your spending when your income increases, however (even though it’s difficult not to!). It means you should increase your savings as well.
That way, you will be able to see your savings account grow much more rapidly than you would have if you just stuck to the same plan you had a year or so ago.
Continue to grow, save, and put aside money for those emergencies, and you’ll never feel financially insecure again!
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